Hosted by:                   Wellington Radio Yacht Club



Venue: Whitby Lower Lake, 74 Discovery Drive, Whitby, Porirua  5024


Eligibility:  The regatta is open to any International One Metre Class Yacht, the owner of which is a current financial member of a radio yacht clubaffiliated to their National Association.


Event nourishment:    The C0-Op Kitchen Bar & Whitby New World


Murray Rountree Trophy


If you enter for the Murray Rountree Trophy, this will be a normal regatta for you. The B-fleet will vary in size   a little, as some commodore’s challenge competitors will not be sailing in all races. This will not be a whole lot different from the typical regatta where some competitors have boat problems or other priorities that prevent them from sailing every race.


Commodore’s Challenge


For entrants to the Commodore’s Challenge, the big difference will be that you can choose by arriving at the start line how many races you compete in (minimum 7 races or a full day’s racing, whichever is less) and we will award average points for whichever races you do not enter by  arriving at the start line.


We want to encourage locals and others around the country, who don’t feel up to all the pressure of two days of solid racing, to have a regatta experience.


You can compete one day only; or every second race; or for a block of races followed by a rest; or if you love it, you might sail every race. It’s up to you.


We want new people ..’you’ .. at our regatta!



Please Note:


Ÿ  We do expect sailors, in both competitions, to know and observe the rules. It’s not great to spoil someone else’s regatta.

Ÿ  The last opportunity to choose between the full regatta and the Commodores Challenge is on submission of the regatta entry form.



A Regatta for All


This is the opportunity to experience Regatta Sailing with the option of managing the stress of sailing every race and still look forward to the possibility of a competitive result.



Racing Program:


Saturday 22 July                            Sunday 23rd  July


Registration from        08.00 to 09:00

Briefing        09:30

First race      10.00                                      09.30*

Last race      1700*                                     1430*

*or at race officers discretion


Entry Form


2017 Murray Rountree Trophy


Skipper……………………………                      Phone…………………. Address………………………………………………………………….


Hull no………………………………….. Boat design…………………………………

Sailno……………………….                         personal no.  Y/N


Radio Frequency if not 2.4 GHz     1st  choice…………..    2nd choice……………



I hereby agree to be bound by the RRS, the notice of race, sailing instructions and confirm my entry for (circle one):

Ÿ  Murray Rountree Trophy       – $25                          Ÿ    Commodore’s Challenge         – $15 Payment (circle one):    Cheque          directcredit                 cash

Closing date for entries is Friday morning 14th  July 2017


Please make cheques payable to:     Wellington Radio Yacht Club or


Direct credit:  a/c 03 0502 0007114 00 please use name & sail no as reference.


Cash on day:    No change given. Please place cash in envelope with name and sail number.


Please post entries to: WRYC Enquiries ph. 04 971 6024
Attn: David Ross
30 Fendalton Crescent,
Upper Hutt 5019
New Zealand E-mail: diross@paradise.net.nz