IOM Fleet Racing Winter Series Final Results.

Here are the final results for the IOM Winter Series Fleet Racing.


position skipper sail design score D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
       2 eq M Garden 159 V8 45 10 24 54 11
       2 eq E Schmidt 79 V8 45 17 13 15 34
1 J McPherson 42 V8 42 48 24 8 10
6 R McDermott 2 MX14 102 48 24 39 39
       5 eq D Blewett 74 V5 80 37 24 20 36
3 B Kerr 38 V5 55 21 10 24 25
4 D Blake 93 V5 64 25 24 26 15
       5 eq R Tullock 69 3 Dogs 80 16 10 54 54
7 W Rowland 99 V5 105 37 24 44 45
L McGhie 94 V5 50
1/   Score for NOT competing is (number of entries on day + 1) x 6 races (due to 1 discard)  shown in RED
2/   Competitor MUST compete more than 1  day to obtain a result
3/   Seven races per day with 1 discard (see score sheet)
4/   Approach to scoring is discard 1 races per day and 1 race per series  shown in YELLOW
5/   Low Point scoring
6/   Series winner achieves lowest score over Series
Day 1——Was cancelled