Kapiti Cup – Day 3 – All Day Scratch Racing @ Winstones (KRYC)
A fabulous day at Winstones – none of the forecast rain and plenty of sunshine. The breeze came in from the northwest as predicted in the morning and rotated a little more west in the afternoon requiring a small course adjustment. At 3.30pm, after 23 races, everyone felt a little bit shattered and were pleased to retire to a seat in the shade of the container. Dave Blake (08) was clear ahead on the scoreboard with clear daylight between himself and Mike (37) and Graeme (65) scrapping for the minor places on the podium. Good to see Aussie Nev pop in for a quick look at the racing and a big thanks to Kerry for a stirling effort in support of the sailors – a great coffee first up, a nice landscaping job on the jetty access, then generously acting as Race Officer and scorer for us through the rest of the day. Full results are up on the website.