AC15 Match Racing Spring Day 1
Day 3 of the Spring Series AC15 Match Racing at Whitby.
The conditions that greeted us were almost a typical summers day, sunny, with a variable breeze mostly from the south (debatable). Five/Six competitors arrived and fortunately David brought along a spare boat.
David administered to the racing schedule and made a great job of juggling boats and skippers.
Its a long time since we have 5 competitors. Dave Humphreys made a second visit and is improving his skills on the water.
A warm welcome to Rod and Zak, we hope to see you again soon.
With so many skippers keen to sail, we had to shorten the course somewhat for the final 2 flights other wise we would not have completed the full number of flights.
Rod and Ed took the honors for the day with 10 points each but countback gave it to Rod.