Murry Rountree Regatta results:
The Murray Rountree Regatta is being held at held at Winstone lake in Otaki. (Thanks to KRYC for co hosting this regatta)
Sat 18th Nov – day 1.
A lovely Sunny day at Winstones Lake.
Only 14 Sailors were in attendanace today with a few late withdrawls.
(Wayne only managed to sial a couple of races as being on the race comitte.)
The Winds were very changable on today, so many course changes, but managed to get in 18 races.
Sun 19th Nov – day 2.
Weather as Predicited…
Rain and no wind….
Eventually got some more racing in after lunch.
Congrats to Nigel, Chris and Mike.
Thanks to all of the volunteers amd those who travelled for this years event.
Cheers from the WRYC.